- Name: Idoia Ros
- Affiliation: Graduate student, Linguistics and Basque Studies, University of Basque Country
- From: 2015-08-23 To: 2015-11-30
- Funding: Ayuda a la movilidad predoctoral para la realización de estancias breves en centros de I+D del Ministerio de Competitividad y Economía de España". (Short-term visit Grant from the Spanish Ministry of Competitiviy and Economy).
- Research statement: During my visit at the Human Language Processing Lab, I'm planning to run a cross-linguistic study on the effect of information structure on linguistic form. The first study is looking at the basic effects of contrast on constituent order and prosody in language production in English and Basque, while later experiments will focus on common vs. privileged ground.
- Name: Geertje van Bergen
- Affiliation: Research staff member, Neurobiology of Language department, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
- From: 2015-03-01 To: 2015-04-01
- Funding: 3-year Innovational Research Incentive / Veni grant by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)
- Research statement: In my research project I investigate the role of discourse markers of expectation (such as actually, in fact, indeed, of course) in incremental sentence processing, using eye tracking (visual world) and EEG. During my stay in Rochester I would like to present my project plans and discuss my experimental designs. Also , I will possibly run an EEG study on the influence of language on object perception (as part of a joined project with Monique Flecken).
- Name: Job Schepens
- Affiliation: Graduate student, Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University
- From: 2014-01-13 To: 2014-05-30
- Research statement: I came to the lab to study second language learnability depending on language background and other factors such as age and exposure. The larger the linguistic gaps learners need to bridge, the lower the learnability. We adopted a large-scale approach, making use of testing scores, typological data, and mixed effects regression modeling.
- Name: Tal Linzen
- Affiliation: Graduate student, Linguistics, NYU
- From: 2012-06-20 To: 2012-06-30
- Name: Elma Kerz
- Affiliation: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, RWTH Aachen
- From: 2009-09-26 To: 2009-10-13